Issues March 2014 – Foreign Owned Property in Spain

TweetFalling property purchases? The Ministry of Public Works released their quarterly figures this month showing details of where foreign nationals are buying property in Spain. Still suffering from the aftermath of the bursting construction bubble, six years on, the percentage of total homes bought in Spain during the last quarter of 2013 by foreign nationals […]


New autonomos in Spain benefit from reduced €50 social security payments

TweetUpdating Spain’s September law 14/2013, incentivising new freelancer or trabajador autonomo registration, new Autonomos under 30 years (women under 35 years old) will benefit from the following reductions: An 80% Social Security fee reduction during the first 6 months (€53.07) A 50% Social Security fee reduction during the next 6 months after the previous period of time (€130.91) A […]

VAT on Art transactions in Spain slashed to 10%

TweetGallery owners, artists and collectors alike will still be positively buzzing with news that Spain has reduced the VAT (IVA) on direct art purchases from the controversial 21% down to 10% at the end of January. With an aim to stimulate the cultural industry, defend Spanish art from a shaky economy, and edge closer to […]

Spain’s ‘patent box’ regime encourages innovation and internationalisation

TweetSpain has redeveloped its Patent Box fiscal incentive to become more accessible to companies and entrepreneurs. Introduced in 2008, the incentive reduced Corporation Tax (Impuesto de Sociedades) on revenues originating from intangible assets (drawings, models, plans, formulas, processes, patents, innovation design, new technology etc. NOT software of trademarks) developed by the company. However, 2010 figures […]

Hello from Spainwide

TweetHello and welcome to SpainWide’s blog! We hope that you will enjoy the forthcoming posts, news and tips to help make living and working in Spain as easy as possible. We will share news from the Spanish business, tax, banking, legal, personal finance and startup sectors as well as many consumer insights and economical stories. […]