TweetAnnual population growth in Spain has been modest since 2009 and negative since 2012 – more people are dying and less babies are being born in Spain. This could be explained largely by the economic crisis, mixed with proportionally more women in the workplace, less women of child bearing age, and smaller family sizes. With this […]
How Will the Fiscal Changes in Spain affect IRPF for autonomos?
TweetAs an Autonomous worker you may be obliged to pay a percentage of your tax upfront when invoicing clients, called IRPF. This tax is paid directly to Agencia Tributaria and if you’ve paid more than you owe in advance, it will be swiftly returned to you during tax returns. Autonomous workers paying IRPF retenciones will […]
Mobile Marketing in Spain and the App Date
TweetSpain has the highest penetration of smartphones and mobile devices in Europe with 85% of the population using one, 23 million people use social media on their mobile devices regularly and the average time spent on social media is 1 hour and 28mins. Do not abandon mobile in your marketing strategy! The App Date has […]