How much IRPF and IVA should I be paying as a freelance worker in Spain?

TweetQ. How much IRPF and IVA should I be paying as a freelance worker in Spain? A. The IRPF (Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Fisicas) is a progressive, direct income tax which is paid by your client as a withholding tax directly to the Spanish tax office (find out more here). Currently, freelance workers […]


How Will the Fiscal Changes in Spain affect IRPF for autonomos?

TweetAs an Autonomous worker you may be obliged to pay a percentage of your tax upfront when invoicing clients, called IRPF. This tax is paid directly to Agencia Tributaria and if you’ve paid more than you owe in advance, it will be swiftly returned to you during tax returns. Autonomous workers paying IRPF retenciones will […]

5 Tips to prevent Ebola infection

TweetWith the Ebola virus hitting Spain, here are our top tips to prevent Ebola infection: 1. Understand how Ebola spreads and the risks. Avoid infected areas and people. Ebola can be spread through direct contact primarily with blood, vomit, diarrhoea and other secretions from an infected person. Other direct contact with even sweat can pass […]