Q. How do I become a freelance or autonomous worker in Spain?
A. In order to register in Spain as autonomo, you must be in possession of an NIE certificate. If you are an EU citizen, then this along with your passport is sufficient. If you are a non-EU citizen however, you must have a work permit which enables you to work freelance.
You will need to register as a freelancer for both tax and social security at the Agencia Tributaria or tax office, for a particular activity using the applicable codes (epigrafes). Additionally, you need to indicate the applicable ongoing tax obligations (income tax, VAT etc). Some professional activities (e.g. education) are VAT exempt, so it is important to indicate such when registering. Once you have registered for tax, you will then need to register for social security using the appropriate form and including a copy of your tax registration form.
You will need to file income tax (IRPF) and VAT (IVA) usually four times a year per each quarter.
Social Security payments will be taken out of your bank account each month (approx €260 or approx €50 for new automous workers under 30 incrementing gradually over 18 months)
Find out more here about becoming a freelancer and contact us to arrange your registration for you.