Empadronamiento-Census Registration
Another very important document to arrange is the Documento de Empadronamiento. This is a document obtained upon registering with your local council and is carried out at the local town hall or ayuntamiento. It is proof that you are resident in a local council area and will allow you to vote and get a medical card amongst other things such as registering with your local doctor as well as when registering a car in your name.
How to apply for Documento de Empadronamiento
You just simply go to your local town hall and with your passport/Certificado de Residencia/NIE as well as any bill or deed that has your name on it as well as the address to which you wish to become ‘empadronado’.
So your rental agreement, deed of your house or any utility bill will all serve as proof that you reside at the address.
It is also possible in limited circumstances where the address is jointly rented and it is not possible to put the utility bills in your name, to be sponsored by the person whose name is on the utility bill.