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Foreign Language Teacher Package

foreign language teacher in Spain

The Spainwide Foreign Language Teacher Package, as with all our client solutions, has been designed bearing in mind the specific needs and requirements of the freelance foreign language teacher in Spain.

This package includes the following services:

  • NIE Application (Essential to begin working in Spain).
  • Setting-up of a bank account in Spain with 24 hour English helpline.
  • Tax and social security registration (Legally Required).
  • All contact in English via native English speakers.

This comprehensive package of services is unique to Spain and has been designed to give you the best possible chance of success – less time dedicated to dealing with Spanish bureaucratic and legal obligations is more time spent focusing on your profession.

To contact us about the Foreign Language Teacher package please click here.

Working as an English Teacher in Spain

Spainwide has been working for many years with TEFL teachers in Spain and we understand the typical problems you have to face when dealing with Spanish bureaucracy. Moreover, you have been telling us the type of assistance that would help you succeed in your chosen profession.

Common difficulties highlighted would be:

  • Not getting information about tax obligations, tax breaks and other legal requirements.
  • Late or no response to common questions and queries.
  • The difficulty in obtaining relevant information in a foreign language
  • Spending valuable time and money travelling to the office of their ‘gestor’ when it is possible to handle matters from their home or office.
  • Not being notified that taxes have been filed correctly.

The Spainwide Foreign Language Teacher Package aims to provide a comprehensive yet straight-forward and simple to understand starting point for an exciting and challenging career in Spain.

If you would like more information regarding the Foreign Language Teacher Package please contact us by clicking here.