- Employment Contracts
- Payroll And Social Security
- Work Permits
- Holiday
- Salaries
- Termination Contracts
- Sickness Benefits
- Maternity
- Convenio
Work Permits
As with the E.U. Residency Card there are a variety of different types:
- Contracted Workers
- Type “A”: Seasonal activities or activities of a limited duration. Up to 9 months.
- Type “b”: For a particular profession, activity or geographical area. Valid for 1 year.
- Type “B”: For various activities or professions. Valid for 2 years.
- Type “C”: For any activity anywhere in Spain. Valid for 3 years.
- Self-Employed Workers
- Type “d”: For a particular activity and geographical area. Valid for 1 year.
- Type “D”: For various activities or when applicable for a particular activity and geographical are. Valid for 2 years.
- Type “E”: For any activity anywhere in Spain. Valid for 3 years.
- Contracted or Self-Employed Workers
- Type “F”: For workers that have to return to a border area of a neighbouring country. Valid for 5 years.
- Type “P”: Permanent Work Permit. For any activity.
- Type “Ex”: Extraordinary Work Permit for foreigners that have contributed to the cultural or economic development of Spain. For any activity. Unlimited validity.